Access | Entrance fee : 1600 yens Bathing time from 11:00 to 16:30 (you can visit both Shima Tamura and Shima Grand Hotel for that fee) Located in a ryokan Internet : Home page Phone : 0279-64-2111 Adress : 〒377-0601 群馬県吾妻郡中之条町四万温泉4180 Maps : Mapfan - Google
Number of baths | | ♂ | ♀ | ♂♀ | inside | 5 | 5 | - | outside | 2 | 2 | 2 |
| | Global rating : | | At the entrance, guests remove their shoes and are welcomed by a staff wearing japanese traditional clothes. The entrance itself looks like a very typical old Japanese ryokan, and the place is famous for its onsen. But when they reach the main lobby, guests with be surprised to have a direct view on a swimming pool, next to which a jacuzzi can be seen! So ryokan or hotel, the question has no clear answer. What is clear, however, is that is you want to try several baths, this is the place to go. With about 10 completely different types of baths, guests and visitors can enjoy soaking several hours. Whether you prefer the famous outside bath located close to a waterfall, or the mixed (small) bath next to the river, the large segregated inside bath, the wooden inside bath or one of the several others, you will probably find something suiting your tastes. On the other hand, putting so much baths in the same hotel, is not flawless... From some areas you can have a direct look on the rotenburo and sometimes even on the inside baths... not to mention that the whole structure starts to show its age.
| Size : | | The huge number of baths found here affords hours of soaking! All sizes of baths are present, and they are located in four different areas of the ryokan/hotel, which means that people need to get dressed to go from one area to another. If you plan to try all baths, you should definitively arrive there in the morning and wear convenient clothes!
| View : | | A nice view on a waterfall is offered from the large outside baths (ground floor for men with a wooden roof, upstairs for women under the sky). It is however a pity that instead of shores, only walls can be seen on both sides of the river - probably to prevent flooding, the river coming directly from a dam. The two konyoku baths are located together next to the river, but when the water level is low (typically in summer), only stones can be seen from the baths...
| Modesty : | | The konyoku is just next to the large men's inside bath. A small open place is offered for undressing, but it is basically on the path to reach the baths, and therefore not sheltered at all. Furthermore, those baths can be seen from at least one place of the hotel... It seems clearly that the konyoku were added after the hotel was build, and that location was the only one remaining...
| Area : | | Shima Onsen is situated along the Shima river, at the end of a mountainous valley. For more than 1000 years, its waters have been considered effective for the treatment of many diseases, making it one of the top onsen town in Japan. But unlike many of those towns, Shima onsen is still a quiet place, perhaps due to its remoteness. The Okushima lake, formed by a dam, is also worth a visit.
Obviously, this hotel was build during the economic bubble... Everything was then supposed to be large and appealing. However, this place need a serious renovation. Walls are not white anymore, the swimming pool is a little dirty and some wooden areas seriously request some work to be done! However, the variety of bath was appealing to us, and we enjoyed going from one bath to another for a couple of hours.
sanji |
 Of all baths, the mixed ones are the less appealing; they also can be flooded by the river... | |  A classic swimming pool and jacuzzi can also be found on the ground of the ryokan (don't forget your swimming suit)! | |  A smaller bath reserved for men | | | | |