
Iriomote Shima Onsen (Okinama-ken)


Entrance fee : 1200 yens
Bathing time from 10:00 to 22:00
Swimsuits used for mixed-bathing
Located in a hotel
Home page (official pages of the hotel, with information on the onsen (in Japanese only))
Phone : 0980-85-5700
Address :
Maps : Mapfan - Google

Number of baths









a swimming pool is available, as well as a large mixed sauna (with swimming costume) and segregated ones (without)

Spring information

Onsen in Okinama-ken

Iriomote Shima Onsen (Iriomote Shima)

The rotenburo (with swimming costume) is surrounded by mangroves


(explanation on symbols)

Ratings   (explanation of our rating system)

Global rating :     
This onsen - which is the southest in Japan - is the only one found in Iriomote. It is located between Ohara and Funaura, in the Painumaya Resort (pCk}][g). It has traditional segregated inside and outside baths, as well as sauna. To access the larger, mixed outside baths, you will however need to wear a swimming costume.

Size :     
The largest of the bath is made of stone and covered by a roof (and is quite hot, about 42-43C); three smaller outside baths are located close to a nearby river (a little cooler ? 33-35C). A sauna with windows and a large swimming pool are also available.

View :     
Surrounding as quite unusual for an onsen, as you can see the nearby mangrove from the bath! Just for this sight, it is worth the visit... The baths being located in a kind of garden, there is plenty of space around, and the presence of the hotel is not disturbing.

Modesty :      
With swimming costume... but if you prefer more traditional onsen bathing, the inside baths are segregated.

Area :      
The onsen itself is a little isolated on the island. However, most people soaking there are staying overnight on the island, and you will probably have plenty of time to discover the treasures of the island, whether you prefer to take a journey on the rivers, walk in the tropical jungle, scuba dive, visit mangroves with a kayak or just enjoy the beaches... Have a look at our forum for more details.

   Visit the Secret Japan forum for a guide of Iriomote


Inside bath