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Looking for onsen on the way from Tokyo to Osaka
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:34 pm Back to top

Hello everyone!

I am finally getting the chance to travel to Japan in September! I am so excited to experience the Japanese culture and FOOD. I will be staying in Tokyo for a week then I would like to travel to an onsen and finish my trip off in Osaka or Kyoto. I have my hotel stay in Tokyo, which brings me to my problem I really would like to find the perfect onsen (or close as possible).

The onsen has to be enroute from Tokyo to Osaka area.
Preferably accessible from the main train that shoots from Tokyo to Osaka. Hopefully one of the train stops along the way so that I can easily get right back on and continue to Osaka when finished.
Mountain onsen, outdoor with a public and private onsen(attached to room?), mixed gender, traditional Japaneses layout

I know it would be hard to find an onsen with all of these accomidations but anything close would be great. My main concerns are that I can easily get to and from the onsen and that it has a private bath. I haven't heard of any onsens with a private outdoor onsen attached to the room, but I think that would be amazing!

Thanks in advance for the help and I look forward to searching the website and reading the forums.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:50 am Back to top

Max-Stuntage wrote (View Post): › Mountain onsen, outdoor with a public and private onsen(attached to room?), mixed gender, traditional Japaneses layout

That's a lot of conditions!!

For a room with a private bath inside, you are looking at least a hefty 25000 yen per person (with 2 meals). If this is OK for you, you probably will have two possible destinations :
- Hakone
- Atami

Hakone is easily reached from Odawara, on the shinkansen line;
Atami is directly on the shinkansen line.

Those are probably your best choices.

You can find some good recommendations on those two web sites, which have a good selection of mixed and private baths :


Of course, Secret Onsen at has also lots of mixed onsen listed, but not really in those two areas I mentioned.

Hope this help,


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