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Jiyugaoka restaurants - Japanese food
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:22 pm Back to top

Jiyugaoka - Japanese food


天一 自由が丘店 (Tenichi Jiyuugaoka-ten) - Tempura restaurant


うる虎 (Uru Jiyu) - Yakitori

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:49 pm Back to top

天一 自由が丘店 (Tenichi Jiyuugaoka-ten) - Tempura restaurant

Address - 目黒区自由が丘1-12-7 (Meguro-ku, Jiyuugaoka 1-12-7)
Phone number - 03-3718-0123 
Open - 11:30~21:30 everyday

Tenichi is really easy to find, just near the Jiyuugaoka station!
This is a tempura restaurant (also the main restaurant is located in Ginza), maybe where I have eaten the best tempura in my life.
It is very spacious and pleasant. On the 1st floor, you can only eat at counter but on the 2nd floor, you can sit at table if you feel more confortable like this.

There are several menus you can choose depending on the number and the kind of tempura you want to eat . The menu is served with rice, red miso soup, fresh vegetables and O-cha. And obviously, there is a very large selection of tempura. I remember of a looking like lobsters leg tempura! This restaurant breaks the habit of "only scampi", and sometimes it can be very surprising.

The price range is around 3500-8000 yen for lunch and around 4500-10000 yen for dinner.
This is a bit expensive but you have to know that Jacques Chirac and Bill Clinton came to this restaurant! That is in someway a proof of quality. (in fact they would not go to yoshinoya isn't it?)

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:58 pm Back to top

うる虎 (Uru Jiyu) - Yakitori

Adress - 東京都目黒区自由が丘1-26-14 オクズミビルB1F
Telephone - 03-5729-7130
Opening Hours - 17:00~26:00

A very nice small yakitori restaurant, I really like the atmosphere, a bit dark and original. But be your own judge and check out the pictures on the website written below.
The restaurant is often full, I tried to go several times on different days (4 or 5 times) before having the chance to get there. So try to make a reservation before going or you will not be able to find places.
There is a very large choice of dishes including, obviously, chicken skewers but also pork and beef skewers. On the menu (in japanese only), there is a description of each dish. That is pretty nice because usually, in yakitori restaurants, there are just the names of the dishes, so you choose without really knowing what you are going to eat (and descriptions make the choice easier).
There is also salada, rice and meat. Try the salmon carpaccio, the fish was very fresh and the sauce very tasty! I really enjoyed it!
The chicken and pork skewers are very good, and cheap. Around 100~150 yen for a chicken skewer and 150~200 for a pork skewer. I advice you to try chicken lever skewers and also chicken sembes (a huge sembe made with chicken skin I think, cost around 400 yen).
At the end of the diner, you can have free ocha (as usual) with kuro satou mame. It is grilled beans covered with kuro satou, a type of mineral sugar. It is a bit dry but I really liked it.
The price is around 4000 yen for 2, including one drink. (a point card is also available)
A nice small restaurant to go to!

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