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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:37 am Back to top

hello hello,

I am kitters and I live in ... Ikoma! For those of you who have never heard of it, it's in Nara-ken, not too far from Namba, etc.

Last year I lived in Kyoto and I try to go back once a week or so ... I know a lot of random places, but not nearly as quirky as I wish they were Smile

PS: I am always on the hunt for social dance (tango, waltz, salsa, etc) clubs and Indian restaurants.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:31 am Back to top

hello all
I am Gumby and looking to go to kyoto and tokyo not sure where else.....any help of would be greatly appreciated

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:12 am Back to top


I'm 25 and used to study, work, travel and play on the Japanese Archipelago. Although I'm familiar with most expensive hotels in Tokyo, I'm always interested if some one discovers new bars or Izakayas in Tokyo. I would be glad to send them more customers - of course after having checked the quality myself.

That's it.


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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:40 pm Back to top

Hi everyone,

I am a french 20 years old student currently doing an internship in Tôkyô. I've been in Japan for four months until now and I still have two months left. I only have week-ends to discover the country, so I am pretty much limited to the Kantô area for the moment.

Like everyone else I guess, I am fond of traveling - not just in Japan but in many places.

I am trying to plan my journeys in Japan the best way I can in order not to waste some time, which is really precious here.

Well, I think that is it !

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:04 pm Back to top

Hello Everybody

I am a seafood enthusiast from Canada. I live in Calgary near the Rockies, and our access to seafood can be limited at times!

As I am planning a visit to Tokyo in September and want to concentrate on finding excellent seafood I was very happy to discover this website.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:54 pm Back to top

I'm Zagg, from Chicago area, USA. Interested in all things Japanese.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:11 am Back to top

I'm Glenn. I live in the Washington, D.C. area. Am involved in international aerospace trade. Visit Japan for pleasure. Have been lucky to be able to ski in Hakuba and Furano. Will ski Yamagata Zao for the first time this Winter. Lived in the Austrian Alps for a while as a child. Anybody like to ski or do ice dance ( i.e. ballroom dancing on ice skates )? Trying to learn some basics of the language, how to make wagashi, and something about Japanese culture, history, tea ceremony and the country's domestic and international politics and policies.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:19 am Back to top

Hi, Kahlan here Singaporean. Love Japan. Been to Japan twice once in 2008 in Autumn period (parts of Hokkaido), Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo.

Just came back recently from Sapporo for the snow festival.

Was introducted to this forum by another forum mate. This will be one of my go to forum for my future japan trips probably in another 2/3 years.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Wed May 05, 2010 8:01 am Back to top

Hello All,

My name is Phil and I have been to Japan once in 2007 with my best friend for 5 weeks. We toured from Fukuoka all the way up to Odate in Akita-ken and then 1 week in Tokyo before coming back to Australia. I have always loved Japan and I am fascinated by its history. I am also a fan of anime and manga. In November this year I am getting married and my fiancé and I are planning to honeymoon in Japan, Onsens and maybe some snow. My fiancé has been to Japan 3 times and studied there for 1 year. Neither of us has been to Hokkaido and I’m keen to find some nice secluded onsens in the area to spend a week.

Again, greetings all
Phil TB

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun May 16, 2010 1:45 am Back to top

Smile Hello all,
I'm an Aussie, married to a Ni hon jin, we travel to Japan every year and like to explore new and unusual onsen, sento's etc
pretty much anywhere we can chill out/ warm up with out the need for clothes or at least Yukata.
Last year spent a week in a Toji onsen on Aso-san, really beautiful area and friendly people. I speak limited Japanese and a konyoku bath really pushes my nihongo to it's limits. This June we are back in Japan traveling from Osaka to Tokyo and back to Nara, so people bring on the suggestions, I prefer konyoku bath while my darling wife prefers woman's only (I prefer konyoku because people seem to be more talkative in mixed bath) I've sat thru some pretty long male only baths in awkward silence

Last edited by beachhopper on Sun May 16, 2010 1:45 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue May 18, 2010 8:32 am Back to top


Aussi loin que remontent mes souvenirs, je voulais aller voir les Gauchos en Argentine et les Samouraïs au Japon.
L'Argentine...c'est fait ! Et j'ai appris que les Gauchos ont disparus avec l'arrivée du fil de fer barbelé !

Quant au Japon, j'ai l'intention de parcourir ce pays du Nord au Sud à la recherche des derniers Samouraïs, s'il en reste. Fleuretiste, puis sabreur depuis mon enfance, je commence, à 43 ans, à apprendre la japonais cette année pour aller au-devant des habitants de ce fascinant pays.

Bien sûr, je n'échapperais pas aux grands "classiques" de visites touristiques, mais j'espère bien pouvoir m'écarter de ces sentiers battus en partageant informations et impressions avec vous tous.

A bientôt, ici ou sur la route du Soleil Levant.


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PostYou have posted in this forum: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:22 pm Back to top

Hi i'm Dario, i'm from Italy and i'm going to visit japan this summer for my honeymoon.
I planned my travel by my self and hope everithing will be ok.
I'm looking for some info abuot the hokkaido. I 'll spend the last week of my holiday and hopefully i'll do some trekking.
I'll go also in the Rebun islands...

now bye and see you soon!!!

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:09 am Back to top

I have the privilege of planning a 3-4 month sabbatical in Japan, spending time based in Kyoto and traveling to Hokkaido and quite a few places in between with my family later this year and came across the site while exploring options in Hokkaido.

Much of my professional role is in dealing with social impacts of resource, tourism and infrastructure projects on Indigenous peoples in Australia and my sabbatical is to begin exploring similar issues in Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia.

I'm currently in marking mode at the end of a long semester of teaching, but look forward to exploring the website over coming weeks to assist in planning some interesting side trips and connections. Many thanks to all contributors for your generous postings and contributions.



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PostYou have posted in this forum: Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:38 pm Back to top

Hi, my name is Frederique and I am fond of Japan. I lived there in Kyoto for 4 years in the 80' and now back in France where I work for Air France. So that I can go back to Japan (my second country) quite often. I will go to Kyushu for the first time in august this year and is planning my trip. Hire a car, camping and some budget accomodation... your forum is interesting and I hope to find good ideas.
See you soon .
Umeboshi Very Happy

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:43 pm Back to top

Hello everybody,

My name is Benoit and I live in France. I spent 4 weeks with my friend in Japan in April 2010, and we discovered many beautiful aspects of the country during our holidays there. It was an amazing experience for both of us, and I can't wait to give you more details about it.

Indeed, I was a big fan of this website while preparing our trip to Japan, and I could find a lot of information in the forum and discussions which helped us. So I think it's my turn now to give as many details as possible about our trip to help people who need some advice.

See you soon, and thanks again !


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