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How to write Guides [E]
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:41 am Back to top


The title of the Guide should have the following format:
Code: › Name of the place (prefecture) [X]

With the code [X] being [E] for English, as the first letter of the language used in the text (use [F] for French, [E/F] is both languages are used)

The description can be any short text


You can use any presentation you wish for your Guide. We however suggest the use of the following pattern for the beginning of the post:

Location :
Prefecture :
Attractions : short list of the most interesting spots of the location

When : when to go there
Opening Time : for specific destinations, please add the opening time
Price : when applicable
Access : all information on accessing the location; if possible, please give details on public transportation
Internet : web page link
Phone :

You can directly copy the above pattern with its code from here :

Code: ›
[b]Location :[/b]
[b]Prefecture :[/b]
[b]Attractions :[/b] short list of the most interesting spots of the location

[b]When :[/b] when to go there
[b]Opening Time :[/b] for specific destinations, please add the opening time
[b]Price :[/b] when applicable
[b]Access :[/b] all information on accessing the location; if possible, please give details on public transportation
[b]Internet :[/b] web page link
[b]Phone :[/b]

The Use of Pictures

Three easy series of steps to add pictures in your Guide

1) Upload your picture(s) in the Album

- Open the Album (link in the top menu)
- Select the corresponding area (Hokkaido, Tohoku, etc)
- Click on the button "Add Picture"
- If you want to add multiple pictures, click on "Add File" until you have the correct number of link lines (up to 6 pictures per upload)
- Write a title for the picture; If you are uploading multiple pictures, the titles will be TITLE - 1, TITLE - 2, TITLE - 3, etc.
- A description can be written (not mandatory)
- Select the pictures you want to upload from your computer
- Send the files

2) Check the Id of the pictures

- Browse the Album to find your pictures displayed as thumbnails
- Under the thumbnails, remember the number written on the "Id" line

3) Insert the pictures in your article

This will insert a thumbnail picture with a link to the full-size image.

- Click on the button "Insert Image" :
- Click on OK for inserting a picture from the album
- Enter the Id of the picture obtained on the previous step
- If you wish so, you can specify a special formatting

Repeat the operation for each picture you want to add...

For inserting a Google Map, check this section.

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