I was watching, reading, searching for info nearly everyday at the begining of the crisis but lately the Western papers aren't communicating much about it.
I still want to know how the situation is going on because I have some families living there and here I want to share a nice blog about the situation I am reading.
http://ex-skf.blogspot.com (in English)
http://www.scoop.it/t/tsunami-japon (in French and translation)
I like it because it is really written by a japanese in english and the style is close to my own opinion. For example the latest article explained that the level for Fukushima school is raised to 3.8microsievert/hr and considered as safe for children (8hours school dayX200days ~ 6 millisievert/year) by the Ministry. It is consider safe as 0.5mS/year in USA for the children, there it is a rough estimate as they will probably have other intake of radiation, let you make your own opinion. I keep 8hours exposure because everybody who had lived in Japan knows that inside/outside is nearly same in Japanese buildings.
I add another useful link. It is made by normal people and other NGO and updated for the radiation level in Japan
If you have some interesting links, dont hesitate to add to this post.