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First time in Japan
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:50 pm Back to top


As first time Japan visitors, we would love to explore it in a non typical
way = trying to avoid the typical tourist things and search for the hidden gems and special places. So here's the first version of our trip. Your comments are welcome!

31/10 - 02/11 Tokyo
03/11 - 07/11 Kyoto and the interesting places around it
08/11 Koya San
09/11 - 10/11 Nara
11/11 Kagoshima / Yakushima
12/11 - 13/11 Yakushima
14/11 Kagoshima
15/11 - 16/11 Kirishima
17/11 Takachiho
18/11 - 19/11 Aso San
20/11 - 24/11 Okinawa (most of the time on the island Iriomote)
25/11 - 26/11 Tokyo

We would like to camp a few times (on official campingrounds). Is camping still comfortable in November and do we need to make reservations? How is the weather in November?


Mike & Luve

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:01 pm Back to top

Hello Mike & Luve,

You have drafted a very interesting, comprehensive program for your 1-month trip to Japan! You will see some of my favorite off-the-beaten-tracks destinations!

I must underline that such program can be pretty though, especially after a full month traveling all around the country. Keep in mind, when planning, that you do not travel in Yakushima, Iriomote or Aso the same way you do between Tokyo and Osaka... In some areas, a careful planning is required as limited transportation is available.

My first comment is that you can spare some travel time by traveling from north to south only, going for example first in Aso, then in Kagoshima/Kirishima, take a ferry to Yakushima and finally a flight from Kagoshima to Ishigaki. Except if - of course - if you planned that way because you have specific places to visit in a specific order.

How do you plan to travel in the country? By train? If so, you might consider adding some stops on your journey between Osaka and Kyushu...

For the program itself, where is not a lot to add: it will be great! 2 days in Aso is far too long, 1/2 day is enough, but you could add the great onsen town of Kurokawa Onsen...

Camping in Okinawa will be fine; in Kyushu, could be OK, but if you camp in the National Parks which are in the mountains, the weather might be already too cold to be comfortable. I remember Kirishima in late May, with a cold fog in the morning... So camping should be OK when the weather is mild, but clearly won't be possible all the time. I doubt reservation are needed at this time of the year.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:44 pm Back to top

Hi Sanji,

Sorry for the late reply but things where a little bit hectic around here.

Thank you for the very useful information you gave us.
We will certainly take some of your tips into account.

the reason why we are goin through Kyushu from south to north is that we could not find a flight from Kagoshima to Iriomote, but we did find one from Fukuoka to Iriomote.
In the end it's not really a problem as we are not travelling by train but we fly from Osaka to Kagoshima.
The only train we will take is from Tokyo to Kyoto.

Again, thank you for the advice. It gives us a satisfying feeling that we planned our trip in a good way Smile

Mike & Luve

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