I'm planning a weekend get away. I live in Fukuchiyama, Kyoto and want to go Kanazawa. I'm supposed to attend a concert on the sunday evening in Kanazawa, but then have to be to work Monday morning in Fukuchiyama. Looking at train schedules, makes this nearly impossible (at least according to google's suggested travel times and directions). So I was attempting to look at going by car. But I can't figure out how much the tolls would cost.
I saw in this forum a couple of websites that were suggested, but I'm not really sure about what I'm reading...
Navitime gave me this info:
総距離 255Km 所要時間
05時間39分 CO2排出量 約44112g(概算)
3,250円 ETC割引料金を確認
It says the total trip is 255km, it will take 5 hrs 39 minutes and cost 3,250Yen ??? But google maps told me driving would only take about 4 hrs? And what is ETC--is that like a travel card for discounts on tolls? or something? 'cause if so, i don't have one and that means it will cost me more?
Here's the links
for navitime:
and google maps:
Of course, if there's a better website for directions and cost I'd love to know about it!!! [I only know really basic kanji so reading all the japanese sites is REALLY hard. nearly impossible]
Thank you so much!!!!!