Marguerite (マルグリット) - French ****
Address - 東京都豊島区南池袋2-27-2 マルグリットビルB1F
Opening hours - from 11:30 to 14:30, and from 17:30 et 22:00 (LO - Sun, Hol : 21:30 LO)
Telephone - 03-3985-6779
Menu - In Japanese only
Credit Cards - OK
Below the restaurant "La Fête de Marguerite", Marguerite has an independent cook and therefore a different menu. Let's be clear, this place offers a great quality/price ratio! At dinner time, there is a 3000 yen menu (2 starters, granite, main dish, cheese or dessert, coffee or tea) which offers a good selection of tasty fish and meat dishes. Some require extra fee (300-500 yen). Alternatively, there is a specific 4000 yen menu, with no butter used for the cooking. And finally, for 5000 yen, you can enjoy a great menu including a salad with (some) caviar, a blue cheese soup, a main dish of grilled foie-gras and the same cheese - dessert, coffee - tea choice.
Everything was really well-prepared, and this is clearly a place I will go back to. The service could had been more friendly, though.
Now the best part: you can bring or own wine bottle for a 1050 yen-fee. Or enjoy a bottle from their wine list, which is much, much better than the one upstairs at "La Fête de Marguerite". We noticed a Chateau Citran 2002 for less than 7000 yen - a great bargain.
And if you have dinner there on Monday: all wine bottles are half-price!!!
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