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Secret Japan Forum Index -> Hacks/Mods List

Hack Name Author Description Website
Acronym Mod  v0.9.4 CodeMonkeyX
nickyoungso at yahoo dot com
Provides automatic acroymn additions to posts. No website is available.
Add status to topic  v1.0.3 Acid This hack shows you how to add an info or status to a topic No website is available.
Admin Private Message Manager  v1.5.1 Nivisec
support at nivisec dot com
An Admin panel plug in that allows the management of Private Messages on the board. You may sort by a variety of options, delete any PMs you choose, or optionally archive them for later use.
Admin Userlist  v2.0.1 wGEric
eric at egcnetwork dot com
This MOD lets you view a list of every user on your board from the ACP. While browsing the list you can activate, de-activate, delete, and ban multiple users at a time. You can also edit one users permissions or manage their account. Also see how many
Admin-Mods List Page  v1.1.1 Woody
woody at scoobler dot com
This hack produces a simple to understand page that shows anyone with any power other than that of a normal user in the ACP No website is available.
Advanced BBCode Box MOD  v6 Disturbed One/AL Tnen
anthony at anthonycoy dot com
This MOD adds lots of useful BBCode features and makes the bbcode buttons look just like Microsoft Office 2003. It also improves the functions of phpBB's BBCode function. It adds the bbcode exactly where the cursor is, inserts smilies where the cursor is
Advanced Links Mod  v1.2.2 stefan2k1
sp at phpbb2 dot de
Display links (with logo) on the forum index page.
Advanced Visual Confirmation  v1.2.0 AmigaLink
webmaster at amigalink dot de
This MOD replaces the original CAPTCHA of the phpBB Visual Confirmation.
Announces Suite  v3.0.2 Ptirhiik
admin at rpgnet-fr dot com
This mod allows you to display the announces from the forum on the index page, and above the forum pages for the announce coming from forums of the same categories. It adds also a duration to each announcement, and global announcement.
Approve Mod  v1.0.9 Aceman
phpbbmods at synace dot com
Designate a forum for moderation by admins & chosen moderators
Auto group  v1.2.1 Niels Chr. Denmark
ncr at db9 dot dk
This mod will make it posible to add member to a user group, depending on there post count this makes it posible to make a group "Everyone" (0 posts) where all members are members by default or a group like "Posters" (1 posts) where all users witch ha
BBcode Strike  v1.0 R0cKW|LDeR
da_rockwilder_rw at yahoo dot fr
This mod allows you to bar some text No website is available.
BBCode Sup & Sub  v1.0.0 Lunatic
lunatic at 10qt dot net
Subscript (sub) and Superscript (sup) text
Bookmarks  v1.1.1a PhilippK
phpBB2004 at kordowich dot net
Keeps an internal list of bookmarks set by the user
Bots MOD  v1.0.0 Adam Marcus Manage search engine bots in ACP No website is available.
Cash Mod  v2.2.3a Xore
mods at xore dot ca
Cash Mod for users to gain money/points by posting
Categories hierarchy  v2.0.4 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod allows to attach a categorie to a higher level categorie, keeping all the forum visible on the index page (vBulletin-like view), or have a sub-forum view.
ChatSpot  v3.02 Project Dream Views This will add a LIVE chatbox on your phpBB2
Complete banner  v1.3.4 Niels Chr. Rød
ncr at db9 dot dk
This mod makes it posible to add banners to your phpbb2 pages, by default banners are placed in top/botton but you may place the tags, inside any template file.
Country Flags for Profile Control Panel  v2.0.3 GilGraf
webmaster at ggweb-fr dot com
This addon allows your registered board members to select the flag country of their residence
CrackerTracker Professional G5  v5.0.3 cback/cYbercOsmOnauT
webmaster at cback dot de
A fully integrated and complete Security System for your Forum. Blocks known Worm Attacks and Floods.
Delayed Topics  v1.0.0 themaze75
themaze75 at hotmail dot com
Allows users with the proper permissions to add topics that will appear at a given date. Ideal if you want to schedule forum-based events and activities
DHTML Calendar Widget  v0.9.6 Mihai Bazon
mishoo at infoiasi dot ro
The DHTML Calendar widget1 is an (HTML) user interface element that gives end-users a friendly way to select date and time
DHTML Slide Menu for ACP  v1.0.1 markus_petrux
phpbb dot mods at phpmix dot com
This MOD turns your ACP left pane into a Dynamic HTML Slide Menu (roll-in/roll-out effects), making it easier to navigate. Modified by webmedic <> (Brook HUmphrey)
Digests  v1.2.0 Indemmity83
Indemnity83 at dormlife dot us
Sends customized email digests of forum messages to subscribers
Disable Board Message  v1.0.0 Sko22
webmaste at quellicheilpc dot com
Customize disable board message
Donation MOD  v1.0.2 sandodo
zouxiong at loewen dot com dot sg
Allows Paypal donations to be sent through your phpBB.
Download Topics and Posts  v1.0.2 OXPUS
webmaster at oxpus dot de
Insert links on viewtopic to save the whole topic or one post of it in a textfile
Error Mod  v0.0.1 Josh
Joshua_Hesketh at hotmail dot com
Adds error pages to your site so users don't get a boring old error screen .htaccess
Extended Quote Tag  v1.0.0 Acyd Burn
acyd dot burn at gmx dot de
This Mod adds an extended functionality on the [quote] BBCode Tag. Quote multiple posts through the topic review box
eXtreme Styles MOD  v2.3.1 CyberAlien This mod is heavily optimized version of phpBB templates system and has some additional features. It compiles and executes files much faster, has cache system that speeds up templates many times, allowes to use php in templates and few other new features
Faq Manager  v1.0.0 Selven
selven at zaion dot com
This mod allows the administrator to edit and re-arrange their FAQ and BBCode Guide through an admin control panel module
File Attachment Mod v2  v2.3.10 Acyd Burn This Mod adds the ability to attach files in phpBB2.
Fix message_die for multiple errors MOD  v1.0.3 markus_petrux
phpbb dot mods at phpmix dot com
This MOD replaces the "message_die() was called multiple times" message with something more useful. It reports a list of all "those" error messages with all relevant information. So that may help board administrators to identify the problem.
Force Topic Read  v1.0.2 aUsTiN This MOD forces users to read a specific topic once before reading or posting in the forums.
Forum Tour  v1.0.3 OXPUS
webmaster at oxpus dot de
Add a forum tour to your phpBB via ACP.
Full Album Pack  v1.2.3 Mighty Gorgon An integration of Smartor's Photo Album with many of it's addons. Supercharged Album Pack, Album Category Hierarchy, Album Multiple Uploads, Archive Mod, Thumbnail Dimension Mod, Picture Rotation Mod, Album Nuffload, Nuffimage, and many other modificat
Fully integrated shoutbox  v1.0.10 Niels Chr. Rød
ncr at db9 dot dk
A fully phpBB2 enabled shoutbox
Gender PCP Pic  v0.1.2 G-Funk
G-Funk at k-wups dot net
This Mod adds the Gender Pictures for the PCP No website is available.
Google Search BBCode  v1.1.1 wGEric
eric at egcnetwork dot com
Allows you to make strings in your post links to search for those strings at Google
Group Extend  v0.0.1 Malicious Rabbit Adds into the ACP some features to see the permissions of groups and users
Group Extra E-mails  v1.0.1 Malicious Rabbit Allows users to be informed via Email if they are removed from a group or if their request to join is denied
Group ModeratorZ  v1.0.1 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod allows to have more than one moderator to a group
Hacks List  v1.20 Nivisec
support at nivisec dot com
Provides an admin panel for you to enter information about hacks you have installed on your board.
Holidays for Profile Control Panel  v1.0.3 GilGraf
webmaster at ggweb-fr dot com
Allows the users to or not specify if they are on holiday.
HTTP Referers  v1.0.0 oc5iD
admin at on-irc dot net
Adds a referers page in ACP for admins, for a more detailed http referers overveiw.
IM Portal  v1.2.0 masterdavid
webmaster at integramod2 dot com
A flexible and powerful portal addon for phpBB with dynamic blocks, multiple portal pages, display permissions and a dynamic cache system.
IntegraMOD  v1.4.1 masterdavid
webmaster at integramod2 dot com
A pre-modded version of phpBB which integrates the best and most useful phpBB modifications.
IP Search  v1.2.0 Thoul
thoul at users dot sourceforge dot net
Search for a user by IP address.
Junior Admin  v2.0.5 Nivisec
support at nivisec dot com
This will allow you to define any and all users you'd like to have access to whatever admin modules you'd like.
Keep Em Moving  v1.0.0 Bill Beardslee
webmaster at webxtractions dot com
This mod will keep your animated smilies animated even after clicking on one when posting. No website is available.
Keep unread topic  v1.0.0 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod keeps the unread flag active until the topic is read
Knowledge Base  v2.0.2 wGEric/Haplo
jonohlsson at hotmail dot com
This mod is based on the Knowledge Base at phpBB with addon features
Last Topics for Profile Control Panel  v1.0.0 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This add-on will add a new box on the profile home to display topics since your last visit or since x days
Left and Right IMG tags  v1.6.0 Nuttzy
pktoolkit at blizzhackers dot com
This MOD will allow you to better format you posts by aligning images left and right instead of just in-line as with the standard [img][/img] tag. Text will also neatly wrap around the images.
Lo-Fi Mod  v1.0.0 Bicet/CyberAlien/Justas
bicets at gmail dot com
This Mod will add a Textual/Low Graphic Layout to your Board. It's Ideal for Google Bot and for all Search Engine that spider your site, and also for printing in an easy way.
Lock/Unlock in Posting Body  v1.0.1 Meik Sievertsen
acyd dot burn at gmx dot de
This Hack allows the Admin/Mod to lock/unlock a topic direct after submitting the post. No website is available.
Mass Email and PMs  v1.0.0 Malicious Rabbit Allows to send Mass PMs and E-mails to users using the ACP
Mini Cal  v2.0.2 netclectic
adrian at netclectic dot com
Mini Calendar version of the Forum Calendar
MyCookies Manager  v1.1.0 A_Jelly_Doughnut Adds a link to a page that will clear all of a user's cookies for that board.
No flood control on edit  v1.0.0 Graham
phpbb at grahameames dot co dot uk
This MOD removes the flood control when editing posts
No Thread Stretch  v1.3.0 Thoul
thoul at users dot sourceforge dot net
Prevents page stretching by long images and text
Optimize Database  v1.2.2 Sko22
sko22 at quellicheilpc dot com
It Checks and it Optimizes the Tables of the Database also in automatic.
PafileDB  v3.1 PHP Arena/Mohd Adds a file download database(downloads section) to your phpBB site.
Page Generation Time  v2.0.0 Smartor
smartor_xp at hotmail dot com
This MOD will show page generation info in the page footer
Paypal IPN Subscription  v1.0.3 sandodo
zouxiong at loewen dot com dot sg
Adds group subscriptions through Paypal.
PCP Wizard  Ednique An Addon for PCP 2.0.0 that adds a more userfriendly interface to PCP.
Photo Album integration 4 PCP  v0.1.4 G-Funk
G-Funk at gmx dot at
This Mod integrates the Photo album by Smartor into the Profile Control Panel Mod
Photo for Profile Control Panel  v0.9.0 MrDSL
naugher at sbcglobal dot net
This Mod adds the ability to let your users attach a photo to their profile. This works exactly like the avatar function with all the ACP settings. You can even turn off the feature per user.
PHP Info  v1.1.2 Dwing
dwing at weingarten-net dot de
This Mod shows the PHP Info in your Admin Panel.
PHP Syntax Highlighter BBCode  v3.0.4 Fubonis
php_fubonis at yahoo dot com
Highlights PHP specific code when used.
phpBB Database Cleaning  v1.1.1 Florian_DVP
florian at developpez dot biz
Clean all non-consistent data from forum database
phpBB Security  v1.0.3 aUsTiN
austin_inc at hotmail dot com
This MOD adds an enhanced security system to your phpBB forum.
phpBB Spell  v3.1 Adds a spellchecker to your phpBB site. No website is available.
phpBB2 Fast Hack  v1.0.0 dwing
dwing at weingarten-net dot de
This makes your phpBB 2 forum faster.
Post Icons  v1.0.1 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod will allow to add an icon in front of each topic title.
Postings Popup  v1.3.0 david63
david dot wood63 at btopenworld dot com
This MOD will create a link from the replies in view forum which will create a popup window showing the users who have made posts to that topic together with the number of posts that they have made.
Prillian - the Instant Messenger for phpBB  v0.7.0 Thoul
thoul at users dot sourceforge dot net
Allows registered users to use phpBB as an instant messenger.
printer-friendly topic view  v1.0.8 Svyatozar
svyatozar at pochtamt dot ru
This mod will add a button with a printer in topic view No website is available.
Private Message Review  v1.0.0 masterdavid
webmaster at integramod2 dot com
Review of received PM when replying No website is available.
Profile Control Panel  v2.0.0-1 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod is a rewrite of the user management, including new features
Prune users  v1.4.3 Niels Chr. Rød
ncr at db9 dot dk
Admin plug-in that makes it posible to delete users who are inactive/haven't posted or like.
QBar/QMenu  v1.0.1 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod will allow you to add a menu bar at the top of the board, and also will replace your default phpBB menu, allowing you to add quickly links to both within the ACP
Quick Reply with Quote  v1.1.3 Smartor
smartor_xp at hotmail dot com
This will add a quick-reply form below every topics
Rank images drop down menu  v1.0.0 Antony Bailey Changes the rank image selection to a drop down colum of all available images No website is available.
Ranks summarize  v1.0.4 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod displays all the ranks available on your board
Rating system  v1.1 Gentle Giant
phpbb at mywebcommunities dot com
Users rate individual posts to produce overall ranks for posts, topics and users.
Rebuild Search Mod  v1.0.0 GUI
spam at nickm dot org
This will index every post in your phpBB, rebuilding the search tables
Redirect to Post  v2.2.0 Thoul
thoul at users dot sourceforge dot net
After posting, editing, or deleting a message, the user is redirected to their post or the topic.
Repeating events MOD  Antoon
antoonvdr at yahoo dot com
Repeating events for Topic Calendar No website is available.
Rules Management for PCP  v1.0.2 Sko22
sko22 at quellicheilpc dot com
Create and to modify the Rules of the forum, checks how many users have read the rule from the last change and in case it is possible to warn them with a Private Message.
Send PM On User Registration  v1.0.4 AbelaJohnB
abela at phpbb dot com
This MOD will send a PM to all new users when they register http://www.JohnAbela.Com
Server Load Mod  v0.1.0 IDB
ian at errolian dot com
Mod to show the number of pages served on your web server from your forums within a user-defined period
Shrink Attached Image Mod  v1.0.0 roc
flying_roc at hotmail dot com
This Mod adds the ability to automatic shrink the attached image. It should works with the File Attachment Mod v2.3.10
Simply Merge Threads  v1.0.1 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod allows to merge two topics
Slash News Mod  v1.0.1 CodeMonkeyX
nickyoungso at yahoo dot com
Allows you to assign a news category to any new topic. The topic can then be displayed as news with a category graphic like Slashdot.
Smilies in Topic Titles  v1.0.0 Suisse
chatwithbea at bluewin dot ch
Shows smilies in topic titles
Smilies Upload Utility  v1.1.0 Thoul
thoul at users dot sourceforge dot net
Manage smilies images through the Admin Panel.
Split topic type  v2.0.1 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod splits the topic per type in the viewform display
Staff Site  v2.2.0 Acid An external site to display who is Mod or Admin on your board. No website is available.
Statistics Mod  v3.0.0 Acyd Burn
acyd dot burn at gmx dot de
The Statistics Mod is a complete statistics core for your phpBB 2 board
Stop Author View Increase  v1.0.1 DanielT
savi dot mods at danielt dot com
Does not increase viewed count when author is viewing his/her own topic
Sub-templates  v1.0.4 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod allows you to set a different template - or parts of template - for a forum or an entire category
Tell A Friend  v1.3.0 Hardout
duncan____jones at hotmail dot com
This MOD will add a "tell a friend" feature
Text-based Visit Counter  v1.1.1 Smartor
smartor_xp at hotmail dot com
This will add a visit counter into your phpBB
Today At/Yesterday At  v1.0.0 akzhaiyk
phpbb2xp at myrunet dot com
Will show Today At if the post was posted today. Will show Yesterday At if the post was posted yesterday
Topic calendar  v1.0.1 Ptirhiik
ptirhiik at clanmckeen dot com
This mod adds a calendar to your board, working with natural phpBB auth
Topic Description  v1.0.5 Morpheus2matrix
morpheus2matrix at caramail dot com
This MOD allow you to add a little description of the topic that you have posted
Topic Shadow Manager  v2.13 Nivisec
support at nivisec dot com
Admin Control Panel Plug-in to let you view all shadow topic links, some info about them, and optionally remove any or all.
Type Quietly  v1.0.1 Lars Janssen
lars dot tq at ukmix dot net
Gently discourage users from 'shouting' by popping up a Javascript alert if they start typing a message or subject in caps.
Usergroup Auto Join  v1.0.0 LifeIsPain
brian at orvp dot net
Creates a usergroup category that allows a user to join without needing the approval of the group moderator No website is available.
Users of the day  v3.0.0 fmavani
webmaster at feroz dot org
Displays a list of the users who come during the last XX hours, which scrolls
Yellow card  v1.4.11 Niels Chr. Rød
ncr at db9 dot dk
Warning and ban system
You BBCode  v1.0.1 wGEric
eric at egcnetwork dot com
Adds a BBCode that puts the username of the person viewing the post where you add [you] to your post

Hacks/Mods List © 2003
Lo-Fi Version
96791 Attacks blocked :: Protected by phpBB Security © phpBB-Amod :: phpBB Security ©  Has Blocked 6,859 Exploit Attempts.
@ 2007 The Integra Team @ 2007 phpBB Group
:: Style IntegraMod © IntegraMod Team 2008 :: All times are GMT + 1 Hour ::

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